4 Posisi Seks Puaskan Wanita di Ranjang
PERUBAHAN posisi ngeseks sangat dibutuhkan. Selain membunuh kejenuhan, juga menciptakan pengalaman ranjang makin menakjubkan.
Seks bukan hanya sebuah kebutuhan biologis yang perlu dipenuhi. Di luar itu, seks bagi pasutri menjadi ajang merekatkan hubungan.
Kebahagiaan seks tentu tidak didapat dari perlakuan satu orang, tetapi perlu mendapat keselarasan kedua belah pihak. Agar dapat membahagiakan istri, intip posisi seks favoritnya, yang pasti juga diakui kebanyakan wanita. Berikut, seperti dibocorkan Idiva.
Jangan remehkan pria ketika dilanda keletihan atau kejenuhan. Ada banyak hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk menciptakan suasana panas bersamanya. Perhatikan bahasa tubuhnya ketika dia memposisikan seks dalam misionari.
Kontak mata menunjukkan dia “meminta” respons Anda atas dominasinya di ranjang. Jadi, tak ada salahnya bila sesekali Anda mendesah. Dia pasti kian bersemangat melancarkan performa seksnya.
Layaknya pria, posisi ini pun memberikan kenikmatan bagi wanita. Posisi ini memungkinkan tidak ada kontak mata, karena itulah wanita merasa lebih nyama dan fokus pada kenikmatan.
Jika salah satu pihak selalu berada di atas, itu adalah pertanda tidak adanya keseimbangan peran. Berikanlah peran lebih kepada pasangan dengan pergantian posisi. Kesempatan yang sama akan menciptakan kenikmatan yang sama bagi masing-masing pihak.
Dalam posisi ini, dibutuhkan kepercayaan diri lebih dari pria serta sentuhan wanita yang dicintainya. Pasalnya, pria harus memainkan peran dominan untuk dapat menguasai tubuh pasangannya dengan maksimal.
4 Sex Positions
Jumat, 17 Juni 2011
4 Sex Positions Satisfy Women in Bed
CHANGES sex position is needed. In addition to killing boredom, it also creates the experience of the more amazing bed.
Sex is not just a biological need to be met. Beyond that, sex for couples become a means of glue of relationships.
Sexual happiness is not obtained from treatment of one person, but need to get alignment on both sides. To be happy wives, voyeur favorite sex position, which must also be recognized most women. Here, as leaked Idiva.
Do not underestimate the man when hit by fatigue or boredom. There are many things you can do to create an atmosphere hot with him. Notice his body language when he was sex in the missionary position.
Eye contact shows he is "asking" your response on its dominance in the bed. So, there's nothing wrong if you occasionally sighed. She must be getting excited about launching his sexual performance.
Like the men, this position also provides pleasure for women. This position allows no eye contact, that's why women feel more imitate and focus on enjoyment.
If one party is always on top, it is a sign of lack of balance role. Give more to your partner's role in the turn position. Equal opportunity will create the same enjoyment for each party.
In this position, it takes more confidence than men, and touch the woman he loves. The reason, he must play a dominant role to be able to control their partner's body with the maximum.
CHANGES sex position is needed. In addition to killing boredom, it also creates the experience of the more amazing bed.
Sex is not just a biological need to be met. Beyond that, sex for couples become a means of glue of relationships.
Sexual happiness is not obtained from treatment of one person, but need to get alignment on both sides. To be happy wives, voyeur favorite sex position, which must also be recognized most women. Here, as leaked Idiva.
Do not underestimate the man when hit by fatigue or boredom. There are many things you can do to create an atmosphere hot with him. Notice his body language when he was sex in the missionary position.
Eye contact shows he is "asking" your response on its dominance in the bed. So, there's nothing wrong if you occasionally sighed. She must be getting excited about launching his sexual performance.
Like the men, this position also provides pleasure for women. This position allows no eye contact, that's why women feel more imitate and focus on enjoyment.
If one party is always on top, it is a sign of lack of balance role. Give more to your partner's role in the turn position. Equal opportunity will create the same enjoyment for each party.
In this position, it takes more confidence than men, and touch the woman he loves. The reason, he must play a dominant role to be able to control their partner's body with the maximum.
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